Christmas 2008
The Kung Fu Carvers
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Poor baby
Texted from Mike (Lexy has been throwing up since early this morning) "Lexy just told me "thank you for letting me not throw up. I'm going to tell all my friends."
Friday, December 28, 2007
Are you jealous?
Alexia is sitting on the stairs making Potato Head people then showing them to her brother and cousin saying "Are you jealous?"
Kiernan and Logan
Kiernan and his cousin Logan had a late night of video game playing. I watched a movie until about 2:15 am and they were still going strong. I told them they giggled like a bunch of little girls which only made them giggle more. Mike found them huddled under one blanket this morning and Logan had his jacket draped around his shoulders.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Funniest thing I've heard today
In the used game store a woman said to the clerk, "I need a game for my daughter." To which the clerk replied, "Boy or a Girl?" Hmmm
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The world's saddest reindeer
The world's saddest reindeer. Ballet class was rough tonight. The end of the routine calls for all the "reindeer" to run to the center of the room and together pick up a giant present over their heads. Alexia didn't make it the first couple of times and then the waterworks started. Every routine ended in her running to me crying, "NOT AGAIN!!!" The next day I told her that in the actual routine it would be OK if she didn't make it on time and it would be OK if she could only help lift the present up. She's so much shorter than everyone else that once she lifts it up it's out of her reach. She said that she could do it and not cry.
So I sent one of our family housing tenants an eviction notice because you can’t have more than 3 people living in an apartment. If you’re a married couple you can only have one dependent child. From all accounts, this guy’s wife was super pregnant and due practically at any time. So I’ve been pestering the coordinator out there to send them a letter giving them their 30 days notice. I’ve been doing it for weeks now and finally decided to take manners into my own hands and send them the letter myself. The student called me on Friday to say yes, his wife had their baby but that the baby was basically fighting for its live in ICN and probably won’t make it. So while they have a second child, their second child has never come home. *groan*
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Where's my money!?
I’ve been moonlighting as Events Staff at the local events arena for sports and concerts this semester. It’s nice because I can work when I want and as long as I call within 24 hours of the call time I can cancel when I want. I worked a basketball game this past Saturday night. I guess my daughter didn’t realize I had left and asked her daddy, “Where’s mommy?” “She’s making money.” “What’s the money for?” “Oh, to buy you the stuff you and your brother want.” She seemed to digest this and watched some cartoons. I walked into the house and said, “Hi Lexy.” “Where’s my money!?”
I laughed pretty hard because it reminded me of this
Mike thought it was funny because he didn’t even have to coach her.
I laughed pretty hard because it reminded me of this
Mike thought it was funny because he didn’t even have to coach her.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The newest members of our family

Here is Sokka (all black) and Kitara (black & white), the 5 1/2 month old brother and sister kitties we got last week. Mike found them during an adoption drive for PAWS at the local pet store. The clerk told him cheerfully, "If you take them both I'll give them to you for 2 for 1." Kitties should always come in pairs anyways. They've never lived outside a cage before they came to our house and I'm pretty sure they haven't had to deal with kids before. They're living in Kiernan's room for now. He has a lofted bed so they can't spend the day hiding under the bed. They are soooo cute!!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
I just tried on my size 12 jeans and they FIT! They are tight but I didnt have to lay down to put them down :-D
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Picture Day!
It's picture day! Her brother helped her do her hair which made her cry. She stopped crying long enough to let me snap this shot. She looks so grown up. And Kiernan actually did a really good job at fixing her hair.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
A pumpkin from Bizarro World
The finished pumpkin. I know what you're thinking, that it's upside down. Nope, that's how she made it.
Dats a Wecipe!
We stopped for gas last night on the way home during a pretty exciting lightning storm. I was trying to explain to Lexy what lightning was and how it crackles and sizzles. Just then a big one flashed near us. I said "WOAH!" pretty loud. "Dats a wecipe!" she said matter of factly. "Recipe for what, baby?" "Disastah."
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
It's true, I hate needles!
I had to have a fasting blood draw this morning. For those of you who don’t know me as well, I am very phobic of needles. I can’t look at them without my body sending out panic signals. I’ve been stuck my needles so much in the past few years that I’ve just learned to keep my panic under control (I usually have nightmares about the blood draw later). So I get to the clinic and am led back to the blood draw room. There are several people standing around in white coats but it became apparent quickly that one was the supervisor and the only one who is not wearing a white coat is her trainee. The Supervisor looks at my arm and declares my vein to be easy and tells the trainee, “You can do this one.” The panic signals go off but I quickly began talking myself down from the panic quickly rising up in my throat. “I can do this. I can do this.” Someone else preps my arm while the trainee putts around; she’s shuffling papers & talking. So when it’s time to come to my arm, she starts to prep. “No, I’ve done the prep for you,” says one of the white coats. “Oh, thank you.” So the white coats are basically talking her through it. I just shut my eyes and took a deep breath. PAIN! Only the worst blood draw EVER! And trainee keeps apologizing ad nauseum. “Sorry” “Sorry” “Sorry”
Then comes the blood pressure cuff. And shocker, my blood pressure is high. I’m completely freaked out! She takes it 3 times with an automated cuff. My arm is aching so bad by the 2nd try that my fingers are starting to turn white. She ends up taking it 5 times and the doctor a 6th. My arm feels like it wants to fall off Oh, and at the end of the 5th try, trainee decides that my blood draw tape and gauze are in the way of her stethoscope and without a warning, decides to rip it off! I yelped because IT FREAKIN HURT! I pulled my arm away and told her I would remove the rest.
So I have to go back to have my blood pressure taken. I can’t drink any caffeine and need to avoid salty food (including the Weight Watcher meals I’ve been bringing for lunches) for at least 24 hours (as I drink my coffee). Trainee takes me up to the front to reschedule me. Monday isn’t good because I’m in a meeting. Thursday isn’t good because I have something else at the same time she wants me to come in. At this point she’s angrily flicking the scheduling pages back and forth and finally settles on tomorrow. “Can you come in tomorrow at 10?” she asked tersely. Yes, I can do that.. While she’s writing my name in I realize Heck, all I have to eat for lunch today is a Weight Watcher meal (which I’m not supposed to eat for 24 hours). Then I say this out loud. BIG mistake! Now remember, she’s already mad at me. She looks up at me with flames in her eyes (pinky swear) and says, “We were both there when the doctor told you that you were not supposed to eat one of those within 24 hours of coming in.” Obviously I must be a child. I said, “Yes, I was there. I’m just wondering out loud what I should have for lunch.” I then said, “On Weight Watchers you have to write down everything you eat so I’ve written down everything for the day until dinner.” She looks at me like I’m stupid, “Well, can’t you just erase it?” “Well of course I can, but now I have to figure out what I’ll eat instead. I can’t just run home and pack a new lunch.” I’m mad at this point because she is being so incredibly rude and disrespectful and because I’m completely freaked out by the needle poke and want to cry.
Now I’m debating whether I want to call her boss and reschedule and whether or not I want to recommend that trainee not work with the public anymore. She's obviously not the worst person I've ever had a conversation with but WTF?! To me, it's takes extra energy just to be that incredibly rude.
Then comes the blood pressure cuff. And shocker, my blood pressure is high. I’m completely freaked out! She takes it 3 times with an automated cuff. My arm is aching so bad by the 2nd try that my fingers are starting to turn white. She ends up taking it 5 times and the doctor a 6th. My arm feels like it wants to fall off Oh, and at the end of the 5th try, trainee decides that my blood draw tape and gauze are in the way of her stethoscope and without a warning, decides to rip it off! I yelped because IT FREAKIN HURT! I pulled my arm away and told her I would remove the rest.
So I have to go back to have my blood pressure taken. I can’t drink any caffeine and need to avoid salty food (including the Weight Watcher meals I’ve been bringing for lunches) for at least 24 hours (as I drink my coffee). Trainee takes me up to the front to reschedule me. Monday isn’t good because I’m in a meeting. Thursday isn’t good because I have something else at the same time she wants me to come in. At this point she’s angrily flicking the scheduling pages back and forth and finally settles on tomorrow. “Can you come in tomorrow at 10?” she asked tersely. Yes, I can do that.. While she’s writing my name in I realize Heck, all I have to eat for lunch today is a Weight Watcher meal (which I’m not supposed to eat for 24 hours). Then I say this out loud. BIG mistake! Now remember, she’s already mad at me. She looks up at me with flames in her eyes (pinky swear) and says, “We were both there when the doctor told you that you were not supposed to eat one of those within 24 hours of coming in.” Obviously I must be a child. I said, “Yes, I was there. I’m just wondering out loud what I should have for lunch.” I then said, “On Weight Watchers you have to write down everything you eat so I’ve written down everything for the day until dinner.” She looks at me like I’m stupid, “Well, can’t you just erase it?” “Well of course I can, but now I have to figure out what I’ll eat instead. I can’t just run home and pack a new lunch.” I’m mad at this point because she is being so incredibly rude and disrespectful and because I’m completely freaked out by the needle poke and want to cry.
Now I’m debating whether I want to call her boss and reschedule and whether or not I want to recommend that trainee not work with the public anymore. She's obviously not the worst person I've ever had a conversation with but WTF?! To me, it's takes extra energy just to be that incredibly rude.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Sitting at the laundry mat
2 blankets are dried and 1 to go Of course its the biggest one So I sit here and text and listen to Muse
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Lexy's First Ballet Lesson
When I went to pick up Lexy from school last week we saw one of her friends getting ready to go to her first ballet lesson. As we drove away from school Lexy said, "I wanna go to ballet." "Really?" "Yeah, I wanna go to ballet!" So we drove around the block and went towards the community center. She couldn't dance because she hadn't paid for the class but she was excited enough to want to sign up and come back. We left from class and went to buy tights, leotard and ballet shoes. She and Kiernan spent 40 minutes that night dancing around her bedroom (yes, Kiernan is dancing).

What patience the ballet teacher has!
For the first 20 minutes or so the girls were totally focused but after that 20 minute mark the younger ones started to get a little tired. That's when the random leaping and jumping started. There were groups of spinning baby ballerinas everywhere. At 30 minutes Lexy's face was red and she was panting from all the dancing she'd done. By the time class was done it was like herding cats :)
Lexy had so much fun that afterwards she wanted to keep her tutu on at dinner so everyone could see it.
So last night was her first lesson. All the little girls were adorable. The first thing all the girls do is sit with their teacher while she takes roll.
After she finishes taking roll they all start their warm up. She warms them up just like they were a grown up class. They did jumping jacks (HAHAHA!), side bends, toe name it.

What patience the ballet teacher has!
For the first 20 minutes or so the girls were totally focused but after that 20 minute mark the younger ones started to get a little tired. That's when the random leaping and jumping started. There were groups of spinning baby ballerinas everywhere. At 30 minutes Lexy's face was red and she was panting from all the dancing she'd done. By the time class was done it was like herding cats :)

Lexy had so much fun that afterwards she wanted to keep her tutu on at dinner so everyone could see it.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Multimedia message
Sometimes he stops moving long enough to take a picture. Of course, the only time he stops is when he's sleeping. So handsome :)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Multimedia message
I told her that wanted to take a picture of her new hair cut. She suddenly became very serious. I guess new hair cut pictures are not to be taken lightly.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Gramma got the Golden Ticket!
My mother called me to tell me that she was the not so proud recipient of an Oregon speeding ticket. We talked back and forth about her ticket, how the officer lied to her about her speed, how Mike had almost got a ticket in Oregon etc. Ok Mom, love you bye!
Lexy was in the back seat listening to all of this. She says to me, "Is gramma going to see Willy Wonka?" To which I replied, "Why would would gramma go and see Willy Wonka?" "Did Gramma get the Golden Ticket?"
I laughed pretty darned hard! I don't think Gramma thought she got the Golden Ticket :)
Lexy was in the back seat listening to all of this. She says to me, "Is gramma going to see Willy Wonka?" To which I replied, "Why would would gramma go and see Willy Wonka?" "Did Gramma get the Golden Ticket?"
I laughed pretty darned hard! I don't think Gramma thought she got the Golden Ticket :)
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
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